Tina graduated with an Honours Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Toronto with specialization in Immunology and Human Biology. She then completed her Master of Science degree in Reproductive Physiology at the University of Toronto with Dr. Stephen Lye at the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute (LTRI) of Mount Sinai Hospital, Sinai Health System, Toronto, Ontario. Her MSc research-based thesis was focused on investigating and characterizing the role of myometrial matrix metalloproteinases in regulating the transition from quiescent pregnancy to term labour and postpartum uterine involution. After obtaining her degree, she continued to work as a research assistant for Dr. Stephen Lye and as a clinical research assistant for the Research Centre for Women’s and Infants’ Health (Placenta) BioBank at the LTRI. She has over 5 years of research experience in the fields of molecular biology, reproductive physiology, and clinical research. Tina joined the CReATe Research team as a PhD candidate in September 2017 and her research is focused on comparing and characterizing the endometrial receptive status of women suffering from Recurrent Implantation Failure or with a thin and unreceptive endometrium. Ultimately, she hopes to develop potential therapies aimed at increasing endometrial receptivity and embryo implantation success in women with implantation failure.